
"between the good and the bad is where

you'll find me reaching for heaven"


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Friendship tickers

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I've been going through so far...

Kesannya, aku telah menelantarkan blog ini...yang walaupun memang iya...eheuheu, tapi yang sebenar-benarnya terjadi adalah karena ada terlalu banyak hal yang tengah menggerogoti kepalaku ini sehingga meskipun dorongan untuk bercerita banyak hal di tempat ini muncul, tapi tetap saja...rasa menarik diri dari lingkungan maya, dunia dan seisinya malah lebih besar lagi... And, in the end, aku hanya mampu memelototi layar komputer dengan pasrah... That's always the best thing I could do...always...

Sampai detik ini. Whuaaaa....
I feel like screaming my heart out the world to hear it....
I'm really  pathetic, no? 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Having been not around...lately

and so, I thought I should post something...a pic, perhaps? ehhe

well, turns out, not only a pic, it's some pics....fufufu..
these pics were posted in my facebook during Ramadhan and Idul Fitr...
what a religious me!! ahay hay