Quite few days back, I had some serious discussion with a few friends of mine. Well, to be honest, it wasn't that serious,,, we were just making it look like the issue was so much crucial that it needed a thorough understanding and ultimate comprehension to arrive for the end of it. Hey, since the discussion involved me... as well as some of my friends who loved exaggerating things to the max, you people should have known by now that our discussion was not as important as climate change or, perhaps, world peace. Ack, this isn't what I want to talk about by the way... scattered mind as always. Oh, well... let's just begin.
Our talk was triggered by the reality of common issues we faced when signing into our facebook accounts, usually. You see, a group of people these days really like to show off their feelings out loud... whether happy or not, serious or not, important or not.
Obviously, it seems to me that they try to make things look worse than they are supposed to be... and --this is the most important-- they purposely try to make our lives (as their listed facebook friends) become psychologically distorted... really, people, it's not like I am your psychiatrist, I have life to live as well, not to mention a great deal of life problems to face, too. I just don't get it in the first place the reason why I was dragged into reading your complaining to life (and God, I believe you're not aware of this fact, eh??)... not that I could solve your problems either... in the end, I often found myself torn between wanting to smack my laptop (which, of course, can result in a loss on my side) and unfriend them from my facebook world (this alternative can really enlighten my dark side for sure, hehe).
I know that it was not that group of complaining people to blame. First and foremost, it was the doing of our great and creative facebook people who started all of this commotion. We all understand that these people 'ask' us to share our thinking... or, as we all can read it clearly every time we open our facebook profile... the one that is shown at the top of our timeline... the question that I am, in particular, scared the most because I always have a problem to think what exactly I am thinking at that moment... it is the "What's on your mind?" stuff.
Yes, to tell you honestly, I'd like to put the blame to the facebook developers who lure out the desire of pathetic and fool people to post their sadness (so that your friends can be sad together with you, which is more pathetic), their hatred (so that your friends can also point their anger toward those you hate, too, which is more problematic), and their happiness (so that your friends can enjoy it together with you, which is a good point anyway, or be jealous at the same time, too, which is the worst of all) in their respective facebook profiles. Either one, it is just a matter of time that we, their connected friends, will read it and be greatly affected by it. Thank you very much.
In actuality, I myself had gone through the time when I liked posting what I'd done or would like to do quite frequently. But, later on I realized that even I felt sick of it... even I didn't want to read my own life updates. I was like 'hey, what the heck I wrote in here?'... to which I then decided to post only things that I thought others would not be bothered by or annoyed with my life updating status. It's me feeling the pain you people were feeling.
However, as much as I hated complains and sadness and other trivial matters (e.g., breaking up, etc. etc...) posted in my timeline, what I dislike the most is the frequency of those trivial issues coming into the timeline. As a friend of yours, I can understand that since it is so painful, you will end up writing it in your facebook, which in the end it reaches my timeline. Since it is the case, just let it out, so you won't keep it bottled up inside your heart. BUT. That does not justify that you people can again and again post the same thing (like breaking up or whatever hardship you've encountered in life) in a tremendous number of times... like every second of your life is dedicated to posting the heck of hardship you think was harsh enough for you,... like no body has ever faced similar issues in their life... only you, have it. For God's sake, get a life, you people...
And so, when my friends and I was talking about such things, I can't help myself saying that these kind of friends should be removed from our facebook friend's list. Actually, I did 'unfriend' some people for various reasons. Mostly because I have never met them in person, and they just added me for only God knew why... Even if I dislike some people for keeping updates with trivial issues, so long as I know them and they know me outside of facebook virtual world, I keep them in my list... it just, I hide their status updates since it often makes my heart and mind worn out after reading their daily complains. Yeah, call me bad, I don't really care. A friend is a friend, and I act like one, but, there is a necessity for me to keep my sanity.
But, there are also some people whom I've removed for good from my list because of their status. So bad that I decided to unfriend them after careful consideration. Yes, I can still hide their updates if I want to and keep them in my list to prevent them for misunderstanding me. Yet, I chose not to hide them. I preferred to remove their names. Let them misunderstood me. Like I really care.
And why did I do that to them? None other than because of their hatred. Their tendency toward racism, more specifically, they are chauvinists, I dare say.
One time, two times, three times, their words I didn't give a damn. I tried to understand that the influence of one particular ethnic in a government over the others might affect their feelings. They might feel they were wronged, in one or another way. Let's say it injustice. And I, could understand. I let them go.
Later, the words got worse and worse and worse. Whenever I read other people's status, their comments were biased and even more generalized than before. They talked bad of one ethnicity, and what I hated very much was when they made fun of less fortunate people, people who worked as street sellers... who, coincidentally, were also dominated by this particular ethnicity, they laughed at those poor workers... while they called themselves Muslims. I felt sadness beyond description, to think that I'm also a part of their ethnicity. And they thought they were right for acting like that.
Getting a courage for myself, I removed them.
No turning back. It was when I detested it the most...