
"between the good and the bad is where

you'll find me reaching for heaven"


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Saturday, May 11, 2013

An example of English translation of Indonesian colloquial speech

SO, (as anybody may not know), I'm currently pursuing a degree in translation and interpreting studies. Stream: Indonesian (of course!).

One time we had a tutorial, doing translation from Indonesian source text to English, as the target language.

As I always have this difficulty, to translate Indonesian text to English, I felt especially relieved when my tutor, an Australian lady who has incredible skills in Indonesian, thought that my English translation of Indonesian colloquial speech was veeery nice. Teehee.

Just so you know, this particular speech was from a Minister of Indonesia... so then, translating it was kind of, uhm, hard? Hard that his speaking was very LOVELY that my classmates and I had a terrible time understanding his messages... Duh.

Anyway, here is what I had done in that tutorial

The Indonesian source speech:

"Misalnya ambil tema tentang sungai, sudah ada bahan IPAnya di situ. Sungai itu ada airnya, rumusnya H2O, bisa mengalir kenapa karena ada perbedaan tekanan. Juga memiliki derajat kejernihan, bisa wudhu, satu mata pelajaran bisa dikaitkan kemana-mana, kotoran sungai tercemar, dan seterusnya. Dengan demikian anak-anak memiliki kemampuan utuh. Anak-anak SD tidak mendapat pendekatan yang terpisah-pisah, tapi utuh. Mudah mempelajari sesuatu yang kecil-kecil jika sudah dewasa," paparnya.

The English translation: 

“Take a topic about river for example. The materials for the Natural Sciences are already there. In the river, there is water. The water’s formula is H2O. The water can flow, why, because there is a difference of water pressure. Water also has degree of clarity. Water can also be used for washing before prayers. So, one subject can be linked to anything. Say, there is waste in the river, the river gets polluted, and so forth. Therefore, the children have a complete competence. The primary school children will not get separate approaches, but an integrated one. It will be easier to learn from small things when they grow up,” he explained.

My tutor commented:

The translation was nice because I kept the colloquial feeling in the English translation, therefore, the translation is quite faithful to the source text. 

My thought:

Phew! What a task!

Monday, May 6, 2013

"what in the world was I thinking?" ...meh =P

mhehehe, look at those pitiful birds... couldn't even help themselves so as to not being captured in this shoot...

by the way, what was I doing there? *cough* a series of sillyme in a chilly weather *cough*

"hmm, what should we do with these birds?"
"I can't seem to fit them all in with my hands..."
"forget it, let's take a picture first!"

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy Condolence!

I should've done my assignments... duh, but the urge to lament my heartbreaking moment is bigger than the fact that I have three dues. God, please forgive me...

Perhaps this is the very first time that I post something in my blog that relates to sports. Ah, this does not mean that I am suddenly beginning to do any exercise, though recently I've learned how to swim (note that!!) and started to play badminton again (HA!). Very impressive turnaround for me, I must say. And all of those were due to my friends kept nagging me to join them. Which was worked, none the less.

What I wanted to rant here is after another miracle did not appear anywhere close inside the majestic football stadium of FC Barcelona, one of the largest stadium in the world, Camp Nou.

Yes, you guess it right. I am one of those Cules who regard Barca as their favorite football club. (well, I'm also fond of Juventus in Serie A, as well as Man United in Premier League. Just happen that Barca is my No. 1)

Anyway, this current Barca squad could not make it to the Champions League final... very sad thing, for us Cules, obviously... but, what makes it more painful is that the loss is quite a big blow. An aggregate of 7-0 for Bayern Munchen, the German side who crushed this Barca this time around, is enough evidence how much it hurts me so bad. So bad that whenever I see someone wearing Bayern jersey, I feel this pain (I'm sensitive, you know, heuheu). I can't stand the reality that the Barca I support currently did not bounce back to at least score a goal to lower the deficit. (just so you know, I'm not talking about an own goal by Pique)

Nevertheless, for the good and the bad times, this erroneous performance of Barca should be a giant lesson for next time.

As for now, I'd like to reminisce the time when a magical comeback once happened in Camp Nou. (yes, I'm referring to 4-0 win, that Barca magnificently attained after AC Milan thrashed them 2-0)

Let me 'Happy Condolence' myself.

photos: credit to owner
loving the atmosphere at that very night... "We are one team"