Having been raining the whole week, on and off, I still decided to do my laundry because... well, there will be a hell lot of laundry piling in the laundry basket if I ignored this calling.
But, fear not my friends, since I am sooo smart, I knew just what to do to change the fate of my laundry. Unlike my housemates, I wouldn't let my laundry hanging unprotected. It's a no-no in my diary, uhm, I mean, dictionary.
I wouldn't let my laundry having almost dry for getting wet again because the rain has been pouring down on and off non stop, although... we've already double checked it with the weather forecast sites just to make sure today was not going to rain... for it then suddenly rained.
Anyway, not to say that the forecast was incorrect, just it's unreliable, a bit.
That said, I then realized that to overcome this issue, there is one thing I obviously can do. Y'know, it's the must-use item that every household, every person sane enough out there need to provide to shield themselves from the attacks of the rain. (well, rain certainly does not attack, I only make it more dramatic here...)
For sure, you people must recognize this one particular familiar item, necessary worldwide since its first introduction in whatever year of era I don't know (sorry, no time to do research for this).
Yep, you guess it right, people. It's the umbrella.
(wait, none of you guess it's a raincoat, don't you?)
Well, then, how does it look like to solve the issue of protecting laundry under the heavy downpour of rain?
See it for yourself, here is a valuable alternative provided by me.