
"between the good and the bad is where

you'll find me reaching for heaven"


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Friendship tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

World's Shortest Horror Story

Ini...bener-bener cerita nyebelin horor terpendek se-dunia...
Cuma ada DUA kalimat, tapi efeknya tuh... *merinding-merinding*

Terjemahan lepas-nya kira-kira begini:
"Pria terakhir di bumi duduk sendiri di ruangannya. Terdengar bunyi ketukan pintu..."
Tamat. End. Fin.

See...see...ngeri banget kan tuh?...pertama kali di baca sih gak ada efek apa-apa...
but, then... I got freak out... My Dear God...
I can't imagine being the last one standing in this whole world...nooo...never....
*I think I'll go crazy should I keep thinking 'bout this matter...sigh*

Eniwei, tulisan aseli-nya tuh kayak berikut ini:
"The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door..."

Dan, sang penulis baek hati dan tidak sombong ini tak lain tak bukan adalah....TADA...Bapak Fredric Brown, yang udah dengan gampangnya merasuki hati-hati kita si pembaca ini untuk menjadi sangat panik terkesan setelah nge-baca karya lengkapnya yang dikasih judul "Knock".

Terima kasih Pak Brown...baik sekali Anda telah mengarang hal yang begitu menakutkan luar biasa ini...heuheu... *masih terngiang-ngiang*

Little Wing: Ouran High School Host Club Insert Song

If I post a song lyrics, that doesn't mean it has no purpose whatsoever...
It is, actually, because one and two things I couldn't express really well or because I simply love the song or because I just want let people know my musical taste...

Just like now, I'm posting another soundtrack...
I like the manga, and of course, I come to like the soundtrack...
Then, the lyrics...

I’m sure that as it is now, there’s nothing, nothing for me to lose
Under this sky without you, tell me, hey, the meaning of living
Whether it’s the countless kindnesses or the unforgettable words
Even now, I keep searching for them in my broken dreams

Ah, getting hurt and hurting each other, we took each other away in love
If I could protect my little wing that didn’t even know of light

I hid my distant memories in my chest
The mistakes I can’t ever erase left scars that won’t heal in us

It’s just one line- If I told you the words I couldn’t say
Then would there be the us who live in a future where we can love more?

Ah, getting hurt and hurting each other, we took each other away in love
Now we’ll head to our own places

Ah, the sun will rise, the dawning sky will spread
Without hesitating anymore, let’s go far away

I pray that I can love everything someday…


Vocals: Kawabe Chieco

Kumpulan Status Facebook di 2010 [Part 2]...Reminiscing What I've Written...

Ika wrote:

Jul 02>>> Somebody’s me… :)

Jul 08>>> Question: Ada gak yg tau me-stop email yg kena virus? Email-nya mem-forward sndiri isi email yg terkirim dr email temanku…Jadi, ada yg tau cara me-stop-nya?

Jul 10>>> will it be visible if I write it on? Hehe…

Jul 15>>> Kalo DPR itu tempat wakil rakyat…udah sepantasnya kan yg mesti kaya dan diperhatikan itu rakyat-nya… nah, tapi kenapa pula pake bahas dana aspirasi bwt anggota DPR, trus malah naikin tariff listrik? Ah, bener2 deh,… Alangkah lucunya negeri ini…ckckck

Jul 17>>> fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you…if you’re young at heart…-bm-

Jul 18>>> Oh… shooters!!! ^^

Jul 21>>> …prosecutor Princess…^^

Jul 23>>> July 2010

Jul 24>>> ga bisa connect neh…

Jul 29>>> wara…wiri…

Jul 30>>> One manga mw tutup… (TT.TT)
>>>>>>>> skip beat…

Jul 31>>> banyak tugas baca malam nie…^^
>>>>>>>> …i love blue…


Aug 03>>> It’s just a matter of a personal taste…

Aug 04>>> Don’t change the way you think of me…

Aug 05>>> S2 Linguistics, ambil gak ya? Ada yg bilang mayan susah,…kalo gt kuambil aja kali ya? hehe, sok jenius pula anak muda ini…

Aug 07>>> di antara-antara nya…disitulah saya…

Aug 15>>> The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz…My Result: Outstanding…

Aug 16>>> Konon, di hari ini, sebuah negara mendapatkan kemerdekaannya,…itulah Indonesia…

Sep 13>>> Edisi Lebaran 1431 Hijriyah tahun 2010 Masehi

Sep 20>>> They say if you really desire for it…everything in the world will help…

Sep 21>>> Rasanya kalo bisa nginap di rs ruang vip, gak bakal ada yang ganggu… mungkin kalo memandangi ruangnya yang putih bersih polos bisa jadi mind-healing walo untuk beberapa saat…well, mungkin saja…
>>>>>>>>> Missin’ the figure so…

Sep 26>>> I trust my intuition more than you could imagine…

Oct 03>>> Can you make up your mind? … please don’t waste my time…

Oct 06>>> nope…nope…nope

Oct 26>>> Looking back to the things I’ve done…

Oct 30>>> Hidden in my memory… Guarded in my heart...


Nov 02>>> do you???

Nov 05>>> November rain???

Nov 07>>> ganti prof pic…ganti prof pic…heuheu

Nov 16>>> Idul Adha Mode: Taqabalallahu minna wa minkum…Selamat ber-lebaran…^^

Nov 20>>> Autumn

Nov 22>>> Dah ngunduh Hachiko…tapi blom nonton…umm, agak kuatir sebetulnya, ya…gitu deh! heuheu…


Dec 06>>> found it not that interesting anymore…

Dec 22>>> if I were in a dream…I could say it…

Dec 23>>> make aplikasi my status in year...2010...ternyata ngebaca lagi status2 gw kayak lagi refleksi ke masa lalu...*cailah*

Dec 29>>> I keep my hope in the air…so that it can fly…up to the sky…

~end of facebook status in year 2010~

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Kumpulan Status Facebook di 2010 [Part 1]...Wowww...Berasa Kayak Jurnal, deh!

Ika wrote:

Jan 02---> ...your smile is the most beautiful in the world...*indeed ;)*
----------> cool, be unique, be different!! *^^*

Jan 04---> ...finish editing calendar 2010 hehehe

Jan 06---> ... m.m ...

Jan 09---> ...apalah arti sebuah nama? *banyak...banyaklah ehe*

Jan 13---> ...bentar lagi selese...okeh
----------> ...masih setia...higs...higs

Jan 15---> wahai... @Silviana Dulife; Yenni Linda Yanti; Rita Ramlayanti; Nova Ellyzar; Melan Mellyana, in poto di mata ie dah di upload, sila tag nama anda2 sndiri yah, hehe...

Jan 17---> pengen punya web sendiri, ada Web Master yang mau temenan ma aku ga ya? ayo donk temenan...^^ *mupeng*

Jan 18---> it's gonna be me...

Jan 19---> uhm, dimana yah? *bingung* (",)

Jan 20---> if I seemed to be a demon, then let's praise me for a little bit... Even if blood flows when you grip onto my cold, white, little fingers... Your smiling from the distant days is never found, but if I'm at fault,...then someday... -ost-

Jan 21---> ...H2C... *note: ini bukan rumus kimia*
----------> I've ordered it...kya...kya...amin2 engga nyasar..amiin...
----------> ... to you ...

Jan 22---> Sragen, Gorontalo, Wakatobi, Jombang, Lamongan, what's next?... daerah2 yang patut jadi panutan buat daerah laen se-Indo Raya...bercita-cita besarlah, untuk menjadi bangsa yang besar... *pesan moral malam ini dari Kick Andy,.... am praying to be one of them...amiin...*

Jan 25---> .... d(^.^)b ...


Feb 01---> ...sometimes I wanted to be a totally different existence...

Feb 02---> choosing my photo of the day!!

Feb 03---> downloading games...hehehe

Feb 05---> ...hoho...I got Lee Varis' Skin... a necessary book for me as a not-so-good-but-not-so-bad-either-photo-retoucher...hoho...

Feb 06---> what a scenario! bener2lah sinetron ni...

Feb 08---> make a wish... (*.*)

Feb 10---> ...a dream-like reality...

Feb 12---> Detective Conan: Case Closed

Feb 13---> pengen buka lapak di mesjid raya...hehe

Feb 15---> today is Monday!!! ehehehe...

Feb 17---> being at the very top is lonely...


Mar 02---> ... a clue ...

Mar 03---> dear...

Mar 06---> New Movie Release Soon: "My Name is K-h-ANA"... Starring: Ika Khan, Directed by: Ika Khan, Produced by: Ika Khan, Written by: Ika Khan, Music by: Ika Khan, Editing by: Ika Khan, Distributed by: Ika Khan, ...Pictures Released Date: To be announced...

Mar 09---> In a dazzling season, there are dancing shadows... back to back on the road... close by you, who I can't reach... are always smiling and watching... -ost-

Mar 13---> acute gastritis...

Mar 15---> unduh...unduh...

Mar 19---> sherlock holmes...

Mar 20---> ...if it happens,... it happens...

Mar 23---> menelusuri jejak...

Mar 24---> ...Tapi. Tetap saja...

Mar 25---> and, what if... (,'')

Mar 26---> ...and in the end, only God who knows the 'me'...

Mar 31---> and my friends will enter a new life,... in near future... (^^)


Apr 04---> thunder nya ngagetin banget...masya Allah...

Apr 05---> ternyata ada jg org2 yg punya masalah persis sama...

Apr 06---> mw ngisi formulir...jadi gak jadi...ehei...

Apr 07---> bukankah aku pernah melihat bintang?...yang menerangi sang malam

Apr 08---> reflection...

Apr 10---> ujung-ujungnya bingung...

Apr 11---> mencari bakatku...

Apr 17---> ...sekufu, sefikrah...that's the way it should be...

Apr 19---> I believed I could fly, I believe I can use a plane to fly...yes.

Apr 21---> Banyak hal yg harus dikejar, ...ada juga hal yg besaaar...hehe

Apr 23---> semoga tercapai segala keinginan,...yang diinginkan juga oleh Tuhan kita...

Apr 24---> jadi gak semangat, know whom? (0.0)

Apr 25---> cinta yang terbatas...

Apr 26---> senangnya kalo dimengerti... (m.m)

Apr 27---> hhee...jadi juga kayaknya nih ngedaftar...fufufu

Apr 29---> blom burn ke cd...ehe lambat2 ajah...

Apr 30---> Bisa mendapatkan pilihan hati....itu kebahagiaan terbesar... (",):v
----------> at last but not least, jd apply s3 ke taiwan ehehe...wo hao ma?


May 01---> In an intersection of road...big matters w/ big decisions to make...

May 02---> ...rindu...rindu...ououo...

May 03---> And, I hope to expect more...

May 05---> in waiting list....

May 06---> tic... toc... tic... toc...oh, it's the clock again...

May 07---> the real horse is the mustang...

May 08---> aku mau, tapi malu...lalala *gubraks*
-----------> it's like the boulevard of broken dreams...
-----------> mungkin perlu mencari t4 seperti gua Hira, hmm...

May 09---> btw, pantes gak yah kalo aq pake gelar PhD gt? hoho...biar makin pjg tuh nama aq... :D

May 11---> Dizzy with what life has brought,... ah, come what may...


Jun 08---> Hm, sepertinya aku ga lulus di suatu tempat deh... (tempat itu, sebut saja namanya 'bunga' ehe...)

Jun 09---> People really shouldn't judge something by its cover, why don't try to look at the bright side...?
----------> now, putting up one of my photos, it's trying to show you a drink for anyone...

Jun 10---> Temen2 smua, bagi yang punya kelebihan buku2 pelajaran sekolah atau buku2 yang dah pasti gak dipake lagi...bolehlah membaginya ke saya...karena ada beberapa adek2 kita yang sedang butuh bantuan pendidikan...bila ada yang dapat membantu bisa menghubungi HP saya (bagi yang punya no saya) atau inbox FB saya, dan akhirnya atas bantuan temen2 smua, saya ucapkan terima kasih...

Jun 16---> Life is not a matter of black and white... it's colorful...
----------> Ada yang bilang..."Bercita-cita besarlah"...

Jun 17---> A spy-wanna-be...kekeke

Jun 18---> Ah, this whole World Cup craze...bener2 bikin geleng2 kepala...

Jun 19---> I'm just aiming HIGH...that's all...

Jun 22---> Oh! My Lady!

Jun 24---> Hm, what's on my mind lately?...hmm...

Jun 28---> Nodame-desu...ehe...

`~~~~~~~~~~~~ end of part one in 2010~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`               

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Moonlight Densetsu ~ Sailor Moon Opening Theme

Teringat zaman putih-biru...
masa ketika my youth was filled with love for Sailor Moon...
sang pembela kebenaran...
yang atas nama CINTA akan menghukum para pembuat kejahatan...hehe
what a romantic memory...

dan setelah browsing-browsing internet, dapet dah lirik aseli plus terjemah Inggris nya soundtrack si Sailor Moon, itu tuh yang lagu nya muncul di paling awal-awal acara...fufu suka deh sama:, yang udah bela-belain posting lirik ini...Arigato...


Moonlight Legend
Vocals: DALI

I’m sorry that I’m not honest
If I were in a dream, I could say it
Right before my train of thought short circuits
I want to see you immediately

I feel like crying in the moonlight
I can’t even call you at midnight
But what should I do about my pure feelings?
My heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the moonlight
I’ll encounter you over and over again
I count the number of times the constellations twinkle and foretell the direction of love
We were born on the same Earth in a miracle romance

Once more, we’re together on a weekend
Dear God, please grant me a happy-end
In the present, past, and future
I’m head over heels in love with you

I won’t forget about your nostalgic gaze
From when we met
I can find you from the millions of stars
I love the way of living of exchanging coincidences for chances

Crossing strange miracles
I’ll encounter you over and over again
I count the number of times the constellations twinkle and foretell the direction of love
We were born on the same Earth in a miracle romance
I believe in the miracle romance


[Japanese Lyrics - Original]

Muunraito Densetsu
Vocals: DALI

Gomen ne sunao ja nakute
Yume no naka nara ieru
Shikou kairo wa shooto sunzen
Ima sugu aitai yo

Nakitaku naru you na moonlight
Denwa mo dekinai midnight
Datte junjou doushiyou
Haato wa mangekyou

Tsuki no hikari ni michibikare
Nando mo meguriau
Seiza no matataki kazoe uranau koi no yukue
Onaji kuni ni umareta no mirakuru · romansu

Mo ichido futari de weekend
Kami-sama kanaete happy-end
Genzai · kako · mirai mo
Anata ni kubittake
Deatta toki no natsukashii

Manazashi wasurenai
Ikusenman no hoshi kara anata o mitsukerareru
Guuzen mo chansu ni kaeru ikikata ga suki yo
Fushigi na kiseki kurosushite

Nando mo meguriau
Seiza no matataki kazoe uranau koi no yukue
Onaji kuni ni umareta no mirakuru · romansu
Shinjite iru no mirakuru · romansu

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I can't help it...I'm like any other humanbeings...

Just a few minutes ago, I tried to be tough.
Not that I knew what other people's worries, it's just that I tried to cheer myself upon. 
I guess I'm tired now. 

Never in my life I thought that situation could get any difficult. I wanted to be like any other people....letting their feelings out...
I wanted to get hold of everything I had wished...
I just couldn't let go my worry, nor I could tell it to others...and then my heart shed tears...

I am here, yet I am not...
"Even if I'm in the midst of flowing time, I feel languid, look, spinning around and around
I can't even see my heart that leaves me; didn't you know that?
I don't know about my surroundings; I am who I am, that's it
Is it a waste to even say my own words?
I'm just tired of grieving; I should spend my time without feeling anything
Even if I'm given the words I'm at a loss for, my own heart is gone in the sky above
Does a future exist for someone like me?
Do I exist in a world like this?
Is it painful now? Is it sad now?
While I still don't even understand myself
I'm just tired of even walking; I don't even get to know about other people
Even if I'm in the midst of flowing time, I feel languid, look, spinning around and around
I can't even see my heart that leaves me; didn't you know that?"
~Touhou Lovelight OST~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another Lullaby..."Let Me Hear Your Voice"...

Well, I always love listening to Japanese songs, especially the soundtracks...
most....uhm, I mean all of them carry on deep meanings...

This is currently my fave, although it was a song from previous year drama,...hehe....
it's not only the music, but also the lyrics somehow seems like letting my feelings out...

Anyway, here goes........

song by: Big Bang
title: Let Me Hear Your Voice (Ohitorisama OST) `Koe wo kikasete`

The rain just now has stopped
The smell of asphalt is floating around the city
Hey, over there too, the weather is fine already right?
For I heard the weather has cleared up from the west
Since you're not a morning person
Everyday, will you be able to wake up properly?
I'm still worried about things like that

The sky still spreads so freely
Although nothing has changed
Right now, just that... its only just that you are not by my side

Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We'll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, definitely
An important STEP to that future

The first time I met you was
Around this season right?
The light up street was
Glowing beautifully
The crybaby-you, from that time on, often
Laid your forehead on my shoulder
You were crying right? That extreme warmth
From your touch on my shoulder

Everyone lives, carrying his own worry
Desperately holding his broken heart
Let me hear you voice
If we become more kind
We'll be able to love each other
Don’t avert my eyes
Let me hear your voice
Let's get over those entwined anxieties and loneliness
The feelings of this moment become our bond

Yeah, since you went away hasn't been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain
Sunlight moonlight you lit my life
Realize in the night
while love shines bright
Can't let you go were meant forever, baby let me know

Days passed without you, can't forget you
Letting me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and its hard to clutch
We're apart breaks my heart
It's all for the best girl, you're my world
In time my love unfurls
'Till then wait for you girl

Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We'll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, surely
An important STEP to that future


Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Current Lullaby...

This is what happened when you are currently watching a drama, and then you can't escape of being captivated to the soundtrack...hehe...well, I am currently being immersed in a korean drama, and therefore the song is played in Korean..teehee... I just love the song, and the lyrics somehow is stuck in my head for a while now...

Anyway, thanks to the people who have provided the hangul lyrics, and its translation... //^.^//

Here goes...

남자가 그대를 사랑합니다
남자는 열심히 사랑합니다
I just love that one man, and I love him wholeheartedly

매일 그림자처럼 그대를 따라다니며
I follow him around like a shadow every day

남자는 웃으며 울고 있어요
That man is laughing and crying
얼마나 얼마나 더 너를
이렇게 바라만 보며 혼자
Just how much more do I have to gaze at you alone

이 바람 같은 사랑 이 거지 같은 사랑
This love that came like the wind, this beggar-like love

계속해야 네가 나를 사랑 하겠니
If I continue this way, will you love me?
조금만 가까이 와 조금만
Just come a little nearer

한발 다가가면 두 발 도망가는
One step closer, but flee with two legs

널 사랑하는 난 지금도 옆에 있어
I, who love you, am next to you now

남자 웁니다
That man who comes
남자는 성격이 소심합니다
그래서 웃는 법을 배웠답니다
That man is cautious, that's why you have to learn to smile

친한 친구에게도 못하는 얘기가 많은
남자의 마음은 눈물투성이
What he can't tell his best friend, his heart's full of tears
그래서 그 남자는 그댈
널 사랑 했대요 똑같아서
That's why, that man when he loved you the same way

또 하나같은 바보 또 하나같은 바보
Yet another fool, yet another fool

한번 나를 안아주고 가면 안 돼요
Can't you hug me before you go?
난 사랑받고 싶어 그대여
I want to receive love

매일 속으로만 가슴 속으로만
Everyday in my heart, just in my heart

소리를 지르며 그 남자는 오늘도
그 옆에 있대요
I shout, and that man is next to me again
남자가 나라는 건 아나요
That man's not me

알면서도 이러는 건 아니죠
It's not that he knows

모를 거야 그댄 바보니까
he doesn't know 'cause he's a fool
얼마나 얼마나 더 너를
이렇게 바라만 보며 혼자
Just how much more do I have to gaze at you alone

이 바보 같은 사랑 이 거지 같은 사랑
This love that came like the wind, this beggar-like love

계속해야 네가 나를 사랑 하겠니
If I continue this way, will you love me?

조금만 가까이 와 조금만
Just come a little nearer

한발 다가가면 두 발 도망가는
One step closer, but flee with two legs

널 사랑하는 난 지금도 옆에 있어
I, who love you, am next to you now

남자 웁니다
That man who comes


Song by: Baek Ji Young
Title: That Man (Secret Garden OST)