Happy Valentine's Day... or so I should say it.
But, waaait... what, when, where, WHY should I say it?
The first thing that comes to my mind every time I hear someone at some place somewhere saying "Let's celebrate Valentine's day" or a simple "Happy Valentine's day" is THIS: who the heck is the person named Valentine that many many people around the globe seem to adore so damn much?
You see, when almost the entire world population spread the campaign on Valentine, you can't help but wonder who the person in question is. You might even wonder whether Valentine was a hero in the past and had helped the world be a better place at one point in his lifetime. You just can't help but THINK.
Well, then, isn't the thought above the most valid and acknowledged reason for somebody to be globally recognized and appreciated?
But, seriously, when so many people go on celebrating his name in every corner of the world, do they actually KNOW him?
I myself don't really know Valentine... let alone his life story. All I know, from my extensive research with the help of Google, Valentine was apparently a he, and a priest. Legend has it that he saved a couple madly in love, tho I had no idea what kind of hardships the couple had gone through. (I was thinking of Romeo and Juliet, but then they were just a fiction.)
Based on that experience alone, how could Valentine be credited for or equal to expressing LOVE? He's not the only human to do such a deed... and perhaps, there were even more people that were able to do more than just helping a couple.
Ladies and gentlemen, LOVE is a grand thing. How can we possibly relate love with a Valentine? Surely, helping a couple madly in love could not be the only factor to use Valentine's name to express the love. What if the couple was not having a pure kind of love? What if they eloped because the man took someone's wife? What if... and many what ifs to answer. With so many things left unknown, and because the story was so blur, it just doesn't make sense seeing so many people celebrate Valentine's day.
Ladies and gentlemen, once again, LOVE is a grand thing.
So, without knowing why Valentine and who Valentine is... a wise person should just celebrate the love they have in their own way... not influenced by some foolish campaigns and adverts that are trying only to gain profits from our ignorance.
Love is a grand thing. Let's not tarnish the love with something unclearly defined.
I rest my case.
I rest my case.
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