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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Children Should Mix with Each Other at School

Esai berikut ini adalah jawaban yang kubuat untuk soal latihan task 2 IELTS yang turut kusertakan disini. Esai ini udah dikoreksi sama guru aku sih, jadi yang ku-post merupakan hasil revisi, hehe.

Kata guru aku, esai aku lumayan bagus, jadi hmm, mungkin dapatlah band IELTS range 6-7 gitu, haha. *maksa

Eniwei, terima ajalah apa adanya esaiku yang tak seberapa mana ini... amin-amin bisa dimengerti alur idenya... ^^


It is important to ensure that children with a wide range of abilities and from a variety of social backgrounds mix with each other at school.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. (250 words)


In today’s globalisation, there is a demand for people to mix and blend with various people from around the world. It is crucial because people are social creatures; and therefore, they need to help each other out. The very first encounter takes place at school.

School as a melting place is a great environment to combine people, in this case, children, with different social backgrounds and abilities as well. However, it is deemed necessary that these children blend with each other. The children can learn to respect others, value others’ strengths and weaknesses, and become more sociable people.

In addition, when these children mix with others who come from socially different backgrounds, they can gain a valuable moral lesson. They can try to understand that there are people who are less fortunate and need help.

In terms of a diversity of abilities, the children can be more motivated and competitive once they know that there are people who excel and are more advanced. They will strive to reach more achievement if they have friends who have a similar competitive streak.

Additionally, a child who is good at Math, for instance, can teach other children in that subject. Therefore, a social and constructive environment can be built upon such relationships.

To sum up, in my opinion, ensuring children blend with each other is obviously important, especially in a school setting. This is one of the ways to promote a deeper and more hand-in-hand relationship amongst children for constructing a better society in the future.

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