
"between the good and the bad is where

you'll find me reaching for heaven"


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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Comics: Blood Types & Personalities

I have posted earlier here the other comical version of blood type personalities... which was very funny and hilarious to read... hehe

And now, am posting more of the blood type personalities.... which also join the ship with its predecessor... FUNNY and quite REFLECT the truth, if not all...

So, what da ya think??? 
As a B type, I am pretty much like what the comics have pictured out, hehehe... so shy.

1. When blood types are gossiping others:

2. If each internal world of blood types is like a house:

3. When blood types are being ordered by the teacher:

4. When blood types try to hang a painting:

5. When playing games:

6. When B type reads a blood type analysis book:

Enjoy reading, everyone!

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