
"between the good and the bad is where

you'll find me reaching for heaven"


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Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Not Doing Any Promotion, Really...

Ehm, you see, what I'm gonna post here is the script of an advertisement. An ads for kiddo's formula milk, to be exact. The Nutrilon Royal 3. (I'm not promoting it!! Trust me... Eh, whatever. Haha... )

My first impression watching the ads was like, OH-That-kiddo-has-good-English... uh, I mean, OH-It's-another-inspiring-ads-for-saving-our-beloved-earth...

If you watched the ads, too, you'd have the same thought as I had... don't deny yourselves.

You know, the ads nowadays are taking advantages of pretty much everything that are possible. Don't you agree?? Well, I'm not gonna discuss the pros-cons of the ads, but, frankly speaking... THAT formula milk ads had me fooled. Haha.

You listened to every word the little girl narrated throughout the ads, but you didn't get any idea that she was trying to promote a formula milk. Until, you came at the end of the ads. Then, your eyes were widely opened. It was about a milk. Not a go-green thing. Not a save-the-earth-for-future-generations-like-me stuff. Not even about a motivational event. Not even close to what I was thinking at the time. I've been misguided. Well done, you ads company folks!
Great ads. Great creative team.
I mean it.

Anyway, for those of you who probably never heard the ads at all, here is the script narrated by a little girl in the Nutrilon Royal 3 ads (really, I'm not promoting it...the company doesn't pay me...haha).

Out of the commercial factor. The ads has some inspirational words spreading around in the air.

Take some of your time to reflect with these thoughtful remarks...
Check it out!

"I want to live my life to the absolute fullest
To open my eyes to be all I can be
To travel roads not taken, to meet faces unknown
To feel the wind, to touch the stars
I promise to discover myself
To stand tall with greatness
To chase down and catch every dream

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